“Here’s Your Sign”…Don’t be “that guy”

Okay so I’m going to go on a little tangent here so please bear with me, it’s just because I am so passionate about this.  Bill_Engvall_Heres_Your_Sign_CD_cover

If you knew how many times as a Personal Trainer that I hear people are going into their RACE DAY with IT Band Issues and knee problems, you would understand where this frustration comes from.  When people start off their training for a race with me, I am very adamant for 1) making sure they go into their training with the proper footware and 2) adding flexibility and foam rolling to their training schedule.

People in the beginning are usually “gung ho” about their new adventure so they follow everything I say to the “T”.  They go out and buy new running shoes, they spend a minimum of 20 minutes stretching and foam rolling, all is good.  As the weeks go by and life gets busy and they try to adapt to their new training schedule, their excitement starts to wane out.  They now start thinking, “I don’t have time to stretch or foam roll, but look at me, at least I got my 18 mile long run in this week.”  And yes it’s true, you are putting the training miles in and deserve a pat on the back, but PEOPLE, what good does that 18 mile long run do you if you are injured and not 100% come race day??  Nada, rien, zero, a BIG FAT NOTHING!!!  Is it worth it??  Believe me it’s not.  Unless you are willing to carry a sign on your back when you do your race “Please note:  I have IT and knee issues today because I couldn’t find the time to foam roll and stretch (and I wasn’t in the right running shoe for me, but look aren’t they soooo cute), but if I didn’t, I totally would be blowing by you”.   And let’s be honest, who needs a sign…all you have to do is look at their knees and see the wraps and tape, etc. (And just so you all know, I was victim to this my very first marathon, I was the one with the sign, but let me tell you all, once I learned where I let myself down, I’ve never gone back there again…and I have a garage full of running shoes and foam rollers to prove it 🙂


Now the next pet peeve, goes to those who unfortunately do get injured, whether self-afflicted or not, and decide, “I ain’t no wimp, I will just grit my teeth and bear the pain…after all, pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever.”  Okay, you diehards…once again, you do this and you will have to bring your training  journal to the race because as you are sitting on the sidelines you will want to show all the people around you that you did do the training, you swear…unfortunately, Race Day was out because you could no longer even walk without wincing in pain.  Give your body the time to heal, do the exercises your Physical Therapist gives you, mentally picture yourself getting better and healthier and NOT beat yourself up everyday for getting injured and not being able to log the long miles.  Don’t work through BAD PAIN.  Better to have an hour a day of myofascial therapy (foam rolling :)) then getting to shout out “I endured 10 miles of excruciating pain, yay me, I’m so strong.” as you sit on the sidelines cheering everyone else at your Race.

Morale of the story?  Please FIND THE TIME to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together.  Find that time to stretch and roll.  Change your running shoes every 300 miles even if they are squeaky clean and look brand new (and NO, throwing them in the washing machine, does not make them brand new again).

Speaking of your running shoes.  Please beware…just because they look like a running store and they put you on a treadmill with fancy computers and have big pictures of runners on their walls and running shoes in every color and style, does NOT MEAN they are a running store for you and your goals.  Try and find that running store that has actual runners working in them.  Those that understand the mental, physical, emotional toughness you are going to need to make those long training hours.  Someone who shares your passion and is all about making sure that you are in the RIGHT running shoes FOR YOU from the very start.  Don’t get caught up in the latest FAD.  If you go to a “running store” and they say “hey these shoes are perfect for you, but you will need to also purchase a pair of these orthotics to go with them…..RUN, RUN FOR LIFE, get out of that store…because why would anyone put you in a shoe that actually isn’t the right one for you and then try and REVAMP it so that it can work for you.  (For example, if you need a STABILITY shoe, I’ve had clients who go to these stores and they put them in a NEUTRAL shoe and then sell them orthotics to go into that shoe to make it a STABILITY.  REALLY??? You’ve got to be kidding me.  Someone’s obviously working on commission.  Run, run, run and never go back. (well you can go back but only once you know the exact shoe you need and then ONLY buy those ones, no matter how pretty or colorful the WRONG ones are for you).  If you are running in shoes that are NOT FOR YOU…”Here’s your sign!!”

For those of  you in the Arizona area and are looking for an amazing Running Store that will have you in the perfect running shoe, check out Cadence Running Company in Gilbert, Arizona.  “Dan the Man” will look after you, just tell him I sent ya.  He has participated in “too many to count Ironman races”, stomped out countless “full marathons” and is an avid runner who is always willing to share his “best kept running secrets”.  There’s no bells and whistles at this store and that’s because it’s all ABOUT YOU and getting YOU to be the BEST RUNNER YOU CAN BE…so in other words, they INVEST in YOU and not fancy computers and orthotics! Check out Cadence Running Store in Gilbert, AZ…they even will SHIP to you!


comments [1]

Karen McGrath

Aug 22, 2012

Amen to that!


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