Don’t have hours to spend at gym?

Guess what? You don’t need countless hours at the gym, nor do you need alot of expensive equipment at home.  I challenge you to do this 5 minute workout (and if you happen to have 10 minutes, go ahead and do it 2 times) and let me know if you got a good workout or not?

This 5 minute workout incorporates upper and lower body at the same time, while keeping that heart pumping.  And you don’t need a lot of equipment.  If you happen to have 5 or 8lb weights, good, you can use them.  But in case you don’t, you can make your own handweights by getting yourself 2 water bottles and filling them up with stones and gravel 🙂 And now you have at least a couple of weights to work with (of course the 5 to 8lb weights will challenge your upper body a bit more but you will still be getting the benefits with the combined movements).

So who’s ready to take the challenge?  Let me know how y’all feel after only 5 minutes.  You can either watch the video and do it with Jill (each segment is 30 seconds long but you will have to be ready to go right into the next exercise, no delay…so you may want to watch it a couple of times to understand and know the movements) or you can watch the video and write down the moves and the next time you are at the gym, and you just finished one of your PortaPT Audio Coached Cardio Workouts, you can get in the 5 minute strength workout (try to do each 30 seconds back to back, no recovery, chitchatting in between :)).

Let’s just say, Jill did this workout 2 times in a row and didn’t walk without screaming my name for a few days, so be forewarned 🙂 If you think that 5 minutes can’t do anything for you, think again.

Okay looking forward to hearing from those of you who are ready and willing to take on this challenge.  Please feel free to come back and post your comments, of course, keep them PG, haha 🙂  And ladies, don’t be afraid to challenge YOUR MEN!! 🙂

Stay safe, stay fit, stay healthy,

JA 🙂

5 Minute Workout (each exercise is 30 seconds long, move right into the next exercise)

1. Right Leg ONLY Step Out Lunge with Bicep Curls

2. Left Leg ONLY Step Out Lunge with Overhead Shoulder Press

3. Right Leg ONLY Stationary Lunge with Overhead Tricep Extension

4. Left Leg ONLY Stationary Lunge with Mid-Delt Raise

5. Alternating Split Jump Lunge (Right/Left) with Row

6. Right Leg ONLY Pulsing Lunge with Pulsing Hammer Curl

7. Alternating Split Jump Lunge (Right/Left) with Row

8. Left Leg ONLY Pulsing Lunge with Pulsing Rear Delt Fly

9. Alternating Runners Lunge with 2 Jumping Jacks (1 minute, NOT 30 seconds on this one)

comments [1]


Jan 22, 2013

Wow! Thank you Jill and Julie-Anne for this workout! I did it twice today and It was a really good 10 min workout:)


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